At Tuel Lane we believe that PSHE is an integral part of the curriculum, as the skills learnt will equip pupils for the future so that they will become active members of society. Based on the National Curriculum and our vision, we aim to provide an environment which will enable each child to grow holistically in order to reach their potential emotionally, intellectually, morally, physically, and socially.
Through their understanding of PSHE, children will be able to succeed in many different areas of the curriculum and throughout life as the learned skills are transferrable.
By the end of their time at Tuel Lane, children should:
- Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle
- Understand what makes for good relationships with others
- Have respect for others regardless of race, gender, and mental and physical disability
- Be independent and responsible members of the school community
- Develop self-confidence and self-esteem and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues
- Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community of Sowerby Bridge
- Prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life
- Raise pupils’ confidence and self-esteem
At Tuel Lane, every class follows the PSHE SCARF Scheme of Work and through this curriculum, we cover the National Curriculum guidance for PSHE. PSHE is also to be addressed daily as questions and incidents arise. At times, teachers may choose to hold a circle-time session in response to a particular event or issue. Whole school assemblies will provide extra opportunities to enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, promoting our school’s vision, values and celebrating achievement. Teaching activities will be planned according to the different levels of children’s skills and previous knowledge. A range of teaching strategies and learning styles will be used in delivering this policy with an emphasis is placed on active learning. These will include:
- Class discussion
- Role-play and drama
- Visits and visitors when appropriate
- Group work
Pupils are supported in applying the skills they are learning, in real-life situations as they arise: e.g.: resolving conflicts; working a part of a group on a project.
Children will learn a range of skills based on the following areas:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Myself Safe
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Being My Best
- Growing and Changing
Following the implementation of the broad and balanced PSHE curriculum at Tuel Lane, children will be respectful, independent, responsible, and confident members of society within Sowerby Bridge and the wider world. They will be equipped with tools to maintain healthy and positive lifestyles regarding relationships, diet, and their own personal identity. As they become more confident throughout the areas of PSHE and progress in the related skills, children will understand their personal role in society. The most significant impact that we want for our pupils, is the development of respect for themselves and others.