Tuel Lane Infant School and Nursery

Tuel Lane Infant School and Nursery

Confident, Curious, Creative Learning

Tuel Lane. Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire,HX6 2ND


01422 831221



Handwriting is an essential skill. It has been linked to improved academic success and self-esteem. Regularly practising our handwriting ensures that our work is legible and that we can write fluently for sustained periods. 


As a school we follow the Penpals scheme. This provides us with a consistent approach enabling us to make progress across the school. In the "Penpals Scope and Sequence" document below you will be able to see the sequence that handwriting is taught at Tuel Lane Infant School.  The correct formation for letters, numbers and joins at our school is in our "Penpals Information for Parents" document. 

Gross and Fine Motor Skills 

As well as practising letter formation, it is important for children's handwriting that they develop their gross motor and fine motor skills. 


Gross Motor Activities

Gross motor activities improve postural control and muscle strength and are beneficial when developing handwriting skills. 

Activities you can try at home: 

  1. Hanging activities – do the monkey bars or do chins ups
  2. Climbing activities – climb ladders and ropes
  3. Pushing and pulling activities – pull heavy trolleys/ bags, push a child on a swing or play tug of war. 
  4. Animal activities- do the crab (get into a table position and try to walk sideways like a crab) or the snake (lie on your tummy and pull yourself along with your hands). 
  5. Arm activities- have a wheelbarrow race, do wall push ups or go for a crawl
  6. Yoga activities

Fine Motor Activities 

Fine motor skills involve the coordination of small muscles and movements of the hands, fingers, and eyes. Developing these skills enable children to hold their pencil and manipulate it effectively. 


Fine Motor Activities to try at home: 

  1. Threading with string, pipe cleaners and straws
  2. Rolling and squashing play-doh
  3. Squeezing pipettes 
  4. Cutting shapes and lines 
  5. Dotting with cotton buds 
  6. Pinching with pegs and tweezers 

See the links below for some great examples to use! 

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