Tuel Lane Infant School and Nursery

Tuel Lane Infant School and Nursery

Confident, Curious, Creative Learning

Tuel Lane. Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire,HX6 2ND


01422 831221



Our whole school attendance target is 96.0%

We are also aiming to improve punctuality throughout school. please remember that the school day starts at 8.55am. Please try to ensure that children are not late arriving at school, therefore maximising the learning time they have. Doors will be open from 8.45am and staff will be in classrooms if you would like to speak to them quickly before the day starts.


Please also remember that any appointments (e.g. dentist, optician) must be made outside the school day. If this absolutely unavoidable, office staff will ask for proof of the appointment.

What we will do if your child is absent from school:

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